Visit melissamoranoaurigemma.substack.com for monthly reading dispatches and more…
2019 chapbook, How to Look Worse and Feel Ordinary: Antipoems for Modernity
“State of the Uterine” Honorable Mention in the 2019 Winning Writers Wergle Flomp Poetry Contest
“infinity ii” featured in Gypsophila, V2: Issue 3 - the white, November 2022
“the crisis iii” online and “infinity iii” and “3” in the print of Empyrean Literary Magazine, Vol. 1.4
“mother spiaggia” in New Note Poetry, Winter 2022
“ocularity” in TheUncoiled, Issue No. 4
“fischio” and “tonic” in Issue 01 of Curio Cabinet
“american abroad” in The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press
Academic Works
MA Philosophy Thesis, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, 2021, Phenomenology for the Digital Age: A Levinasian Approach to the Hyperconnected Human Experience
MA Egyptology, University of Manchester, 2022, Concepts of Self in Late Period Egypt and Relatedness to Post-Socratic Philosophy
“Caffè Napoletana” in Standart Mag, Issue No. 34: Risks, temperance, and coffee and in Standart Mag Japan
“Reimagining Robusta” in Standart Mag, Issue No. 21 and Standart Mag Japan Issue No. 15 “Lights - Embrace - Coffee”